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Quick Overview

Floors in phenolic woods, 12 mm for Opel commercial Vehicles

Floors in phenolic woods, 12 mm for TOYOTA commercial Vehicles.

The material with which the shelves are produced is 12 mm thick gray birch wood, coated with phenolic film,

ideal for use where high resistance to wear is required. The surface has a special non-slip imprint, is resistant to

water, atmospheric agents and chemicals. Furthermore, the product is eco-friendly, hygienic and easy to clean.

It is designed to be supplied in an assembly kit a

any type of user and do not require special equipment.

They come standard with:

- aluminum profiles for rear and side door stops

- load retainer hooks and hole covers.

Data Sheet

PRODUCT CODE Model Chassis Lenght Internal Lenght (mm) Internal Height (mm)
FG 119/P383PROACE CITY2782(L1)17841200
FG 119/P384PROACE CITY2975(L2)21671200
FG 119/P385PROACE 20162925(L1)21621390
FG 119/P386PROACE 20163275(L2)25121390
FG 119/P38720163275(L3)28621390
FG 119/P388HILUXPICKUP1855480

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