Second cut files with 8" handle
Second cut files with 8" handle set
HSS tube drills
HSS tube drills set
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Rotary file for hard metal HM4
Second cut files with 8" handle
Bastard cut files with 8" handle set
HSS step drills
HSS step drills set
Rasps with handle
Needle files with PVC handle
Needle files with PVC handle set
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Grinding pencil -6mm shank
Fasangas S.r.l. Viale Grecia, 3 73100, Zona Industriale - Lecce ITALY
Production plant
Viale Irlanda, 3
73100, Zona Industriale - Lecce
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