Piezo Diesel injector's puller
Bosch Diesel injector's puller
Electronic injector connections socket
Puller for Diesel injector electrodes
Injection nozzle extractor
Sliding hammers for Diesel injectors' pullers
Sliding hammers for Diesel injectors' pullers
Copper washer removing tool
Injector's remover tools for BMW N54 and MINI N14
Kit of tools and adaptors for Diesel electro-injectors removing - supplied with sliding hammer
Diesel injection seat cleaning set
device for testing Common Rail Diesel electrical injectors
Diesel fuel priming set
Diesel Injector Puller M9R - Renault / Opel / Nissan
Diesel injector base brush set
Pneumatic tool set for electro-injectors Bosch, Delphi, Siemens e Denso
Fasangas S.r.l. Viale Grecia, 3 73100, Zona Industriale - Lecce ITALY
Production plant
Viale Irlanda, 3
73100, Zona Industriale - Lecce
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