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FG 210/B

Quick Overview

Portable led tube lamp

Portable led tube lamp FG 210 / B Fasano Tools.

The FG 210 / B lamp is ideal for illuminating worktops in workshops and production laboratories from top to bottom.

Versatile and magnetic, it presents: - Double LED lighting: 1200 Lumen white front light - 50 Lumen red emergency front light; - Superior spot light of 400 Lumens; - Base with magnetic coupling system; - Dimmer function; - Power Bank and USB Type C charging cable (included). Technical features: - Measures 40mmx486mm; - Weight 450 gr. - Color temperature 6500K; - Intensity: 1200 Lumen; - From 3,5  up to 15h runtime (according light emissions); - Charging time 6h.

Data Sheet

FG 210/B486x40mm450 gr

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